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Actionable Steps
Respect & Calm
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Mission Statement
"This is a magnificent mission worthy of every effort we can individually and collectively give. 2024 The Year of RESPECT is a community-wide initiative that strives to reshape our attitudes and actions toward each other. Join us in this HEAD and HEART experience, as we take actionable steps to build a kinder community that is a light and example for the world. Let’s do this Together!"
"This is a magnificent mission worthy of every effort we can individually and collectively give. 2024 The Year of RESPECT is a community-wide initiative that strives to reshape our attitudes and actions toward each other. Join us in this HEAD and HEART experience, as we take actionable steps to build a kinder community that is a light and example for the world. Let’s do this Together!"
Wendell Amstutz, Rev. Paul Bauch, LuAnn Buechler, Aaron Eberhart, Natacha Kemp, Paul Larsen, Charlie Perkins, and many other Friends Find Out More at
Components of Valuing People:
• Encourage: Give the Gift of Encouragement
• Listen: The first step to Understanding
• Serve: Everyone can Serve.
Everyone can make a Difference.
• Respect: Differing and Disagreeing wisely.
How Can You Experience Greatness? How Can You Serve?
“Everyone Can Be GREAT because Everyone Can SERVE.”
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Rochester non-profit organizations, faith communities, education centers and businesses love to do service projects.
You will be invited to “roll up your sleeves” and join numerous existing efforts this spring, summer and fall. We will also revisit CAREFEST (there likely will be a new name) that served Rochester as an annual home missions trip from 2006 to 2014.
The Carefest community service project had as many as 2,000 volunteers serving in one day. Mayor Brede called it the MILLION DOLLAR Day that did clean-up, repair work, helped school districts, did landscaping and painting for individuals, built parks, etc.
DREAM with us: What would it look like if 5,000 to 10,000 people pitched in, using muscles, creativity and HEART to make our community better PLUS meet people's needs. We are working on a massive day to “Beautify Rochester”. Your skills, time, energy & HEART are needed. We can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE. The Carefest service project needs to be re-invented. We need Round TWO. We need you to join the Service Team this summer and fall. You can join at
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Valuing Others, Together Quotes
Folks who, in addition to engaging in their respective community services, have also been contributing to CMRC.

Growing up Days: “I was born in St Louis. Mom died when I was 11. I spent a lot of time with my grand mothers in Mississippi. As a teenager I worked in a restaurant that I was not allowed to eat at because I am black. I have known segregation first hand. Rochester has been home since 1968. I love the city and its people.”
--George Thompson, Retired from IBM Highly Respected Community Leader

“I came to the United States some fifty years ago from Hong Kong. One of the most treasured days of my life is when I became a naturalized US citizen. The preamble of the U.S. Constitution says: “We the People in order to form a more perfect Union” A more perfect union requires all of us to appreciate our individual stories and find common ground. What better way to do that than to make it a collective effort to make 2024 a Year of Respect. Let us therefore Value Others Together.”
--Al Lun, Facilitator & Webmaster, Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC) Steering Committee; Founder,

“Together, we can make 2024 a milestone year where respect becomes the guiding principle that unites us all. ¡Adelante juntos! (Forward together!)”
--Miriam L. D. Goodson, Executive Director ACHLA-Alliance of Chicanos Hispanics and Latin Americans

“We reap all that we sow. By sowing seeds of value in others, we all can reap a harvest of riches. In your garden of life plant more flowers to overshadow the weeds.”
-- Stephanie Whitehorn Co-founder of Community Engagement Team Cohost of National Day of Prayer-Rochester

“The sense of togetherness and encouragement is deeply rooted in Somali culture and plays a significant role in fostering resilience and success.”
--Fatuma Ahmed, Co-director & Co-founder of Pamoja Women’s Organization
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Impact Lvl1: Caring Relationship, Civic Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Faith-based, Networking