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2015 UMR Annual Meeting: "Think Globally and Act Locally"

 Impact Lvl 1: Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; International
Public ICI Report on Rochester Intercultural Economic Exchange (RICE) led by
Last modified: November 11, 2015



At yesterday's UMR annual meeting, the keynote message was "Think globally, and act locally." I couldn't agree more. I was inspired by the student at my table and also the students on the panel. They were poised,  mature and articulate.  A bright future ahead of them. 


At yesterday's UMR annual meeting, the keynote message was "Think globally, and act locally." I couldn't agree more. I was inspired by the student at my table and also the students on the panel. They were poised,  mature and articulate.  A bright future ahead of them.

 And as Post Bulletin reports:

"  .... Beginning in fall 2016 the school will offer these communities:

• Global Connections Community will bring together students, both international and domestic students, with a focus on intercultural competence and solving global health challenges.

• Health CORE, which stands for community of respect and empowerment, will support underrepresented undergraduate students to bring students together to solve the "grand health care challenges."

• ROC!, or recovery on campus, will support UMR students in recovery, to "infuse the health care field with their transformational living, civic engagement and high-integrity leadership.


I couldn't help but think that in a community like Rochester where there are international and global knowledge/connection resources that could be tapped into to augment UMR's internal curriculum design. 

In the past I have documented the need to systemically establish connections with trade, investment and cultural relationships with with international partners. A number of my cultural group members have approached public officials and publicly-funded economic development agencies to suggest how we can help. So far, our attempt to raise this leverage opportunity to them has not appeared to create any formal traction. It is possible that behind the scene, suggestions such as systematically building and inventorying international relationships (Long March with China, eg) are being taken up with our knowledge.

Maybe the new angle to help is via UMR's "Think globally, and act locally" strategy. I am eager to learn more and look forward to engage with any such opportunities.










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